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South Africa votes to take land from white farmers from Richard Chapman on Vimeo.

In South Africa the parliament has voted decisively to seize the land of white farmers who hav been farming
 the land for decades. This action was called for by Julius Malema, who is the Marxist opposition leader in South
Africa. He has called the white farmers criminals.
   The vote was 241 to 83 with the new president approving of the measure. Cyril Ramaphosa is the president's name.
There is no plan to compensate the farmers for the loss of their land and the plan is to simply seize the land, leaving the farmers nowhere to go.
    Freedom Front Plus party leader Pieter Groenewald is warning of unforseen consequences if the land is
seized from the farmers and one can possibly read into that there may be a violent response.

Play in Australia is called 'Kill Climate Deniers' from Richard Chapman on Vimeo.

In Australia a play essentially encourages the killing of so- called climate deniers. The name of the play is just that-- Kill Climate Deniers. The plot has a classic rock band taking the stage in the parliament building and just as they get started, a large group of 96 terrorists take over the building and demand that Australia end global warming that night. This play is opening in Sidney and is expected to run until April 7.
  The play has caused a public backlash due to its title. originally it was supposed to run in 20 14 but conservative columnist Andrew Bolt raised the alarm, succeeding in gettting the play shut down.
 Demented Australlian playwrite David Finnigan is the twisted individual who is behind the play and he is not apologetic. In a bizarre twist Finnigan called the play a "pretty joyful comedy" and claims that he consulted with scientists while creating the play.
  Another terrorism supporting maniac, Griffin Theatre artistic director Lee Lewis, said that the play is an action film which is wrapped in a dance party which is in turn wrapped in a documentary feature.
     This play had an appearance in Long Beach, California for a shorter presentation. This play is supported by the Australian Broadcasting Company and was originally also given a grant from the Australian government.

The Black Plauge may be hiding everywhere, scientists say from Richard Chapman on Vimeo.

Thank you for watching newsbarbecue news. The U K telegraph reports that scientists are considering that the plague may actually be lurking everywhere, and that could explain why there are so many plague outbreaks in the world. The journal Emerging Infectious Diseases reports that the bubonic plague may be hiding in common areas on the soil and water. During the middle ages in Europe, the Black Death killed an estimated 75 million to 200 million in Europe. It was largely spread by fleas which bit infected rats and then bit humans. Today we know that the plague can strike in just about any environment on earth, and scientists are speculating that they may know where it is hiding.
One way that scientists believe that the bacteria that cause the plague may be protected and hiding is through common microbes called amoebae. The scientists went into the burrows of prairie dogs where the plague is known to hide. They found that amoebae would ingest the bacteria, which would be alive, well, and replicating inside of the amoeba.  This suggests that the amoeba may be an important ally of the plague.
   This disease can occur in the common bubonic form, but can also be spread pneumonically and even be in the form of septicemia, or a blood infection.
  A major concern is that of terrorism. As medicine has grown more sophisticated so have terrorists, and tools to breed the bacteria that cause the plague are widely available. It is the availability of delivery mechanisms that may be a problem but it too is getting easier.
   The need to better understand this disease is urgent. Last year in Madagascar the plague killed 202 people. Science continues to study the plague, but it seems it will always be with us, lurking in the dark places, and occasionally reaching out to strike people dead.


        broadcast 6 March 2018 from Richard Chapman on Vimeo.

 Indonesia harshly punishes its citizens while people mock the victims; Brazil races against time to vaccinate against Yellow Fever; The Oscars take a dive.

Parochial school girls discuss the news animated from Richard Chapman on Vimeo.

A man in Belgium is fined 3000 Euros for a sexist comment to a cop; Alexis the computer-internet device goes berserk; technology is making greater and greater fakery possible. Even a video by Barack Obama was faked.